Honey Doo Cutters
About Us
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HoneyDoo Cutters were born in the small town of Marion, NY (pop. 3500 or so) in 2002.

"Mr. HoneyDoo (Mark)" is a machinist by trade which accounts for the precision craftmanship of our cutters.

"Mrs. HoneyDoo (Caryn)" is a McGown certified rug hooking teacher who discovered after 25 years of marriage that she was, in fact, married to a GENIUS!
I'm sure some of you ladies have had moments like that! ;-)

Our Business Philosophy

The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our products as much as we enjoyed providing them for you.

Why HoneyDoo?

Cute name, eh? The name originates from the fact that I said (like many other wives before me) "Honey, can you do that?" when talking about a cutter I had seen.

The first cutter was presented to me on my birthday and was only a single cutting head prototype. As I said before, the man is a genius!

Or maybe he just really listened for the first time as we discussed what I would like in a cutter. I really didn't want a clamp on model, I liked the idea of being able to change cutting heads without taking it apart and of course, it had to be pretty!!

VOILA! The HoneyDoo Cutter was born!

HoneyDoo Cutters * Marion, NY* 14505 US
